The Executive Committee of the organization, elected at the Annual General Meeting of members, serves as the legal entity of STYC (name of the organization). Comprising the President, Honorary General Secretary, and the Honorary Treasurer, this committee holds the legal responsibilities for STYC's operations and decisions. Their roles are crucial in ensuring the organization's adherence to legal and regulatory requirements, as well as in representing STYC's interests in official matters.

In 2023, STYC streamlined its structure by reducing the number of Standing Committees (SCs) from 15 to 11. These SCs play a vital role in STYC's activities, as they are tasked with organizing projects and expanding the organization's outreach to more youths. Each Standing Committee is dedicated to a specific area, such as education, sports, or community service, and works towards fulfilling STYC's mission and goals within its respective domain.

The reduction in the number of SCs may indicate a strategic move by STYC to optimize its resources and focus on key areas of impact. By consolidating its committees, STYC may be able to improve coordination and efficiency in project implementation, leading to more effective outcomes and greater reach among youths.

Overall, the Executive Committee and Standing Committees form the backbone of STYC, driving its mission to empower and engage youths. Through their dedication and efforts, STYC continues to make a positive impact in the lives of young people, fostering leadership, skills development, and community engagement.

Planning CommitteeHeld a number of meetings to bring together all leaders of STYC. The PC chat group became the main venue for exchange of information among all active members of STYC.
Public Relations CommitteeTo maintain links with the wider community, leaders of organisations and represent STYC with national organisations. It has reformed itself in 2024.
Fund Management CommitteeThe Committee is an instrumental part of STYC as it manages all financial aspects and activities of the club. It meets once every two months to decide on key financial decisions and discusses on how STYC can gain more resource to support projects throughout the year.
Membership CommitteeTo recruit new members. Collect the annual membership subscriptions. The MC was more organised during the year. Administrative problems were addressed. Membership fees were collected.
Data & Resources CommitteeCoordinated all data from events and links with the wider community and provided support to other SCs in their activities. Under the new management more streamlining of data is pursued.
Adventures CommitteeThe most active Standing Committee in STYC to have regular projects and introduce new members to STYC.
Social Media CommitteeEfforts were made to form a strong committee. STYC website was bought in 2022 but yet to be activated . Under Ms Swarnalakshmi lead, more news of STYC is being posted in the FB.
Conference, Seminars & Talks CommitteeRegular meetings are being held with a focus on the annual conference. The talks are being organised independently outside CSTC. Need to plan on a Talks Committee in STYC.
ST200 Volume 2The 180 Personalities were completed. The largest fund was raised by the Committee. A successful book launch was done on Saturday 22 July 2023. The Committee has been reformed as ST200 with new executives.. It aims to clear all the books at STYC Office, digitalise our publications, send our books to leading research libraries of the world and initiate FB conversations on the 380 personalities. The Committee is also working on the publication of all the four Conference Proceedings.
Regional Tamil Book Promotion CommitteeNo meeting was held. Some arrangements of the book stock were done. Committee members have not been confirmed for 2024. ST200 Committee has helped in receiving and distributing the Tamil books collected at STYC office.
Education Empowerment CommitteeThe EEC organized three tuition projects. It held assessment meetings weekly. Reports with photos were reported on a weekly basis. See report in this Annual report.